El Paso Case Study | Improving wastewater quality and Reducing OPEX to support direct potable reuse (DPR)


The Challenge

To ensure a smooth and cost-effective treatment operation, EPW wanted to identify IUs that discharge wastewater with high organic loads, as it increases operation costs through elevated aeration demands and compost creation.



Using Kando system, EPW operators have gained real-time network oversight which enables them to redirect to the river potentially contaminated effluents from RBWWTP to protect the advanced purification processes .

Source detection allowed EPW pretreatment staff to identify the industrial areas contributing to high BOD loads arriving to the plant, pinpointing few food and beverage factories as the primary source of these events.



EPW evaluates that reducing BOD discharges can save up to $500k/year of energy and operational expenses.


Mr. John Balliew– President/CEO I Executive Services, El Paso Water

“Extracting data continuously and remotely from the wastewater collection network and using advanced algorithms to analyze the data and understand the pollution sources, allow El Paso Water to control the wastewater quality 24/7 and protect the public health.”

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